Helen moves.
Inigo stays.
Helen likes to walk next to someone, outside, next to places she has never been to. SHe moves, and follows the people as they appear to her. She just travels, to make a new place hers. newly hers.
Helen cannot choose her partners. They come and go. But it is still out of contingency that compels her to stay.
Inigo does not like to stay. But he remains as he is, with or without anyone next to him. Perhaps, he was already there when new people appear to him. He just stays still. wholly still.
Inigo does not need to choose a partner. He ignores them. But it is still out of neccessity that he can make the choice to face the new stranger or face another direction away from the newbie.
They are our two species that we shall discover in the next 7 days.
14 years ago
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