between the strange appearance of a fake smile and the familiar disappearance of a blink of an eye, I find it naturally easy to judge that the person has just lied. And that is an extremely bad thing to do. Perhaps, it calls for me to hesitate, just as the person hesitates, and together, we could form the pensive tension of knowing that we do not know.
Between two greetings, there is also a pause. Besides the obvious designation and recognition, it equally results in a non-recognition. 'Hi' and thereafter the peaceful words does not in any way penetrate into the deepest troves of the heart. I may say 'hi', but I may not say 'hi' to who you really are.
But let us pause for a second, that we may re-establish how the 'hi' can be a productive act. It certainly calls the person to a response. It demands a response. And with that, we can firmly include (as much as it excludes) the person into a relation. And that is what matters - the relation, which is the pause.
The pause, is in almost everything. The temporary inaction, which in fact may just be a million atoms clashing and forming an explosion of signs. Or they implode, and they cease to be atoms.
I like to believe that the pause is the most important human activity (of inactivity). And everything that is done in the pause, whether conscious or unconscious reveals a part of us we may not acknowledge, know, or recognise. A tic, a twig, a shake, a smirk, a blink. And almost as if these unconscious actions prompt the next action, the next action is never again able to be considered in isolation - it is always measured, prepared, executed. It is judged upon, but we do not produce it willingly. The pause always escape the producer of the pause.
We pause, that we may move. Or rather, a pause is already a movement. A pre-emptive measure. A pressure to go on and go on. And we pause, nevertheless, in anticipation of a movement, a gesture, an action.
A pause demands - what it demands is entirely ambiguous. But we know a pause is at the heart of everything we are about to do. And that is why, a pause is profoundly significant.
I can't help but pause.
I pause to a commitment.
I pause to a handshake.
I pause to a 'Hi'.
I pause to a 'Bye'.
Because we will never know, if this pause will extend to an infinite pause;
or it is an abrupt pause where there will never be another pause for the producer of the pause.
14 years ago
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