Monday, December 15, 2008

day 73

Dear pen pal,

He used to tell me: "Life is truly and exceedingly short with long intervals. Your train passes a new tunnel, and another, and another; one tunnel after another. Most of the time, you sleep through them! I don't believe you can miss your stop, as long as you buy a one-way ticket from point A to B."

We meet so many different people, with different faces that it scares me to think about how I'll never see them again. I can't imagine how my face is so different from them and still share something in common.

Have you then thought of how you forget the faces of people you know? You will recognise them when you see them but you can never form a perfect image in your mind. Their faces are always different from the faces you imagine. Already, I forget your face.

Nameless Pen Pal

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