Saturday, January 31, 2009

day 99

luxurious, ellie, plum, house, tonight,
we' d do welld. welled. el. al. rel. hallo.
may-hem. harem of sin. po pi. pop.
pot. re-, I take my cue. fee. pee. dung is.
the new. in. pin. fin. take.
care. will be. there. no more. no words.
ho. ha. ha. tell. peelie. care. ll' y. y. hallo.
mein. eins. ein Moment. zu. toten.
zu. vless. bless. b-less. less. gu. guess.
al. hui. bye. say. hi. yo. yo. you. a. y.
e. emergency. know. how. low. jow. yow.
wow. they say you'll be fine.
lim. million. , ra. ar. argh. Hi!
Laugh. laugh. laugh.
re- pee. pea. pea.T. The End.
we'll continue.
to suffer. the sr. sring. syring. e.
arrows. OUT. ra. ra. ra. geous.
fortune! we. whee. wee. wheel.
heel. heal. yo. go. ro. rondo.
do. do. you. do you know. you.
how r, you? hol. lol.
we; tr. try. trea. sure. Sure. pure.
? no more diamonds and waterfalls.
ras. rash. pu. put the in with the tin.
breath.e. co-co. coco. Co-ld.
we'll do well without you.
Kin. Bes. Bes. Bes. Bestial.
O. O. oh. Oh. Op. Opera.
We'll have the greatest show put up!
Do you understand? Do you understand?
Qi. zi. za. zl. zell. zeal.
I don't believe in princes.
Words, fly up.
and dis. diss. dish. dil. dilu. dilut.
salut. hallo. lo. low. loo. pee.
cee. b,ee. ha. ah bee. gee, gee.
you're gone faster than I expected!
Par. Para. llex. there we sep. erate.
maybe. ta. ta. ta. bun.
i'll eat' to be alive for tomorrow.
I'll eat my dung.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

day 362

all I am.
I can't.
repeat the performance of emancipation
give myself a voice.
set myself free?
my hands,
by the fate of my words

I'll pretend to be me.
I'll pretend to be me.
I'll pretend to be me.
I'll pretend to be me.
I'll pretend to be me.
I'll pretend to be me.
I'll pretend to be me.

I'll forgive myself.
I'll forgive myself.
I'll forgive myself.
I'll forgive myself.
I'll forgive myself.
I'll forgive myself.
I'll forgive myself.

it's good to be me.
it's good to be we.
it's good to be me.
it's good to be we.
it's good to be me.
it's good to be we.
it's good to be me.

looming mother's words, silence pleases the game to end; conflicts galore, though they have their last seconds to announce their ends. how do we escape words? please don't wait. please don't wait. I am a child. I am child. I cannot stay awake. I cannot.

I may not cry.
I may not smile.
I may not clap.
I may not sing.
I may not laugh.
I may not scream.
I may not say, 'Oh.'

there. here I lie. looking up at stars that disappeared light years ago. what's real? what's fake? The mystery is not the answer. it's my perception. recklessly feeling my way, which way, sowing seeds as I stand, I pee in my pants. Sorry soul. eluding me, perpetually. I don't get myself.

I don't get myself.
I don't get myself.
I don't get myself.
I don't get myself.
I don't get myself.
I don't get myself.

there. the disappearance is never complete. the erasure is never complete. There is nothing to erase. Never begin. already moving. I move. the words move. there. beside you. the words lie beside and apart from you.

today. This day. (which day?) today. again. I shall break apart the seal that ties us both together. to gather words, enough courage to say, and I will repeat my voice, by virtue of my silence in writing; hard keyboard, cold monitor screens:

I ignore myself.
I ignore myself.
I ignore myself.
I ignore myself.
I ignore myself.

I fade with the blinking of my eyes. Flickering lights, departing souls that enliven the hasty nights. To company me, wisdom departs with bitterness. If it is true, I have to believe in the false too. Nothing is left for me to hope; despair. We're next to each other. We're also not next to each other.

We'll reach a conclusion.
We'll reach a conclusion.
We'll reach a conclusion.
We'll reach a conclusion.

Sun will not rise. Comes and goes in linear repetition. I won't return to see you yesterday.
Moon will not set. What moves? Who moves? Stop lying. You won't see the universe from there. there. I see you. Do you see me? Alas, the real, fleeting us with blatant disrespect. I'll govern my resistance from now on. Restraint. Perspire till death.

I'm on a threadmill called rainbow.
I'm on a threadmill called rainbow.
I'm on a threadmill called rainbow.

My blood, child's tears that reached no one. The arms, broken branches, forests with no names, there I venture. Tired of exploring. It's getting harder to get. It's harder to sleep. I'm finding. I don't want to find anyone other than you.

I'm cold.
I'm warm.

I try too hard. No. Life is hard. My head touches my toes. I lick my toes. Then I sit up. I raise my arms. I stand up. I walk on my hands. I fall. I laugh. No change of perspective will stop something essential. I am I.

I meet you.

Then we shall disappear. Death comes like an accident. Seven times we try too hard. Perfect death. It is chronological. It is excruciatingly progressive. River flows. Carry me to my last words. Drift. Then I die.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

day 182

fusion of conceptions, of sleep less taken, and gentle the night blanket falls, and we'll all be safe.
we all let go, belatedly.
but we move on, on Godspeed.
i'm happy.
I'm happy.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

day 130

in a word, say what you want.

in a sentence, forget what you want.

in a paragraph, erase what you want.

in a page, return what you want.

in a book, die when you're done.

are you done?

any thoughts?

take the test and fail it.

and again, take the test. and fail it again.

how are you?

sweet pies, butter, and milk to toast the bread.

how are you?

mornings, with the tea cooled by your blowing.

how are you?

on a tree. the ball won't fall down. another ball. remember, I did. I hit the ball with another ball.

how are you?

I'm not yours.

how are you?

going, gone.

how are you?

we're still going.

the white sheet won't stay long.

we won't stay long.

how are you?

this is not the first time I wrote.

I will put on a smile.

don't worry.

I will put on a smile.

how are you?

my words, not mine.

I'm fine.

your words, not yours.

I hate you.

Yes. I hate you too.

please don't, gently, hold the boat, and we can steady this.

Yes, complete my sentences.
don't try to appeal my senses. appeal to reason.

write an apology with your eyes closed.

I'll read with my eyes closed.

say yes or no.

Do you love me?


Do you hate me?


Do you know what yes and no is?


What is yes?


What is no?


Are you dumb?


You're sick.



it just is.

you fail the test.


tear the pages. remove your results.

I can't.


I don't care.


This is a blog.

Delete it.

I can't.


I'm still alive.

invent something else.

I can't.


Something else is always being invented.

Hush. Hush. Hush.

it's always difficult to end.


I can't answer.

are you done?

soon to be done. No. already done.

day 365

voyages to nowhere. that is somewhere. where I meet, aporia, and filled landscapes of broken trees, rootless and leaves-less. imaginations filled with visions forgotten. just lines and words that don't make sense. don't have to make sense. say Sinn. and I understand. how do you exorcise demons of yesterdays? don't have to. be young, so young that death is round the corner. and voyages are always planned journeys for accidents. and tensions galore, filled with raining fish and they are a blessing and a hazard. gravity can kill. no. a body dropping from above can kill. A corpus of texts. no. A corpus of imaginary heavens. free me, then, of generation of transgressions and mistakes. who's left, to fill my soul, with the inspiration of silence. knows me, like You do. so I shall, then, learn to not expect. and fill my bubbles with obscure lines and references. which no one hears. and enlist the cherubims as well, with double-edged swords and shields of irony and parody. free me with the violence that is destined. burn me, whiteness, clarity beyond reason. Daniel-like witnessing, and the lunatic with his horse chants. don't whip me. don't chain me. I won't be nice. within me, obscurity that hurts. together with the tree that murders me; and the tree that regenerates me. Boehme-like. I won't forget me. I will forget You. and in so doing, know You. Then, prism of love, we meet, with sharp fecundity. to productively and creatively, venture and invent, what cannot be imagined. but hoist up our bloody palms, with our bleeding stigmatas, we may profess, before the cock returns, that we always never knew, only led by faith. unlike anyone. but lost, in hopeless and peaceful colours mixing into a radiant and blinding force we can only paradoxically call it love. Voyages to return, after the writings are done. with words to hurt and bury us. So. I conclude: I know love. I hate love.

Don't write.

Friday, January 23, 2009

day 96

dizzy. dizzy as full stops generally. are. dizzy. dizzy with love. as love can break free. can bind you. elusive chain. it don't tie you to songs that make no sense. dizzy. because love can lift you to places unimaginable. i love you. i love you. we'll sit on our comfortable trees. jokes. mesmerizing clouds to fall in circles through. and full circles. and return to the progressive linear. dizzy. i severe the longing for the faraway. just follow death. just follow death as it continuously comes nearer. dizzy. we'll touch on sunset orgasmic freedom. there be no need for sense. there be need for senses. hold on, the dizziness will pass. passing strangers. lonely as strangers can be. we're here, together. lonely as lovers can be. beauty in the depths of the smiles. we won't know who they are beneath. but breathe we all do. dizzy. ascending through the underground. mortal men don't get it. but mortal men also have a better chance to get it. lose it all. dizzy. dizzy with the bleeding blood. losing it all. lost it all. dizzy. dizzy is the forsaken bleeding naked man. dizzy up on the four corners. dizzy on the way up and down. dizzy is a way.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

day 340

those who fell are not cold, but warm with the aggressive polemics that consists of reckless actions and hard emotions. They know the ways, elusive mysterious paths of perverse destinies that we only struggle to make sense of. Yes, they know, and they move as human as they can be. They know exactly the way to go, the freedom to go, but they can't help it, they are just being themselves. But we mock each other, even when we might know that there is more than meets the eye. We live, in a village, where all are strangely familiar, similarly strange. They know the ways, where others are there to veil the ways available to them. She sees, the mysterious as clear as snow, with dried blood spill on the white sheets. and they still know the ways, the ways in which they can walk blindly without guidance (too much guidance) and find a certain perverse position to look at things with a new perspective. they face up. the heart still beats, and they see the sky, clouds floating by. if dreams float by, that is because the sky is as it is and the clouds move where the winds blow. such is the (polemical) orthodoxy of nature. Nature as she confronts us, them, her.

They are us. And we, the painted creatures who suffered for answers, born again from the lightness of the volcanic eruption that is the implosion of our souls. Unleashing the behemoths of antiquity, yes, the confrontation begins with the monstrous forms and atoms of the void within us, raining with fallen angels. the parentheses were introduced, and regimes of knowledge in place to block us from the paradise. the confrontation is necessary. So perversely necessary. We know the ways, as humans, as children of sin. we could not help it. The war began even before they knew. As children, who as monsters of and against humanity, they could probably be the one resistance to humanity. Precariously living, between the child-likeness that makes us adults look over-elaborate and the clarity of thought that makes us adults foolish, we struggle to contain the beasts of humanity. We do not know children. And they continue to deconstruct us, as much as we rape, starve, disable and murder them in order to construct us. But no amount of violence towards them can be compared to the judgement destined for those who slain the beauty of the child. Certain infinity, tossed in the cauldron of perpetual knowledge that is fire - the ironic bringer and destroyer of life - is the most profound violence to humanity. "You will burn for eternity and listen to the gashing and crashing of bones and teeth."

The concept of eternity is scary. Trembling so. The concept of the child, in its transient quality, is also scary, productively so. For in that conflict of ephemerality and infinity is the monster that releases itself from the void within us. And living once again, we co-exist with the ghost who haunts us, as we are baptised by the burning fire (as well). In between human life and death is neither transcendental eternity nor immediate and chanced accident but the inward subjectivity that is never repeated, never outwardly performed and in its quiet way, goes about, ghost-like, into the orthodox order of nature: trinity. Idea, human, and haunting.

The child is probably the embodiment of the trinity: that which is to come, and that which is the blessing of the word that came before, and that which will forever be perpetually subjective and relative to the individual human being. The child remembers as well as it forgets. The child is the atheist who is forgiven because it cannot believe, not yet. The child is loved, regardless of what he or she has actualised or can potentially materialised. It is materiality in itself, that which has no say or plays no part in deciding to exist. Pure material existence. The child gives itself as itself. It is the neutral that threatens the dead and the living. It is a composite of differences. It is the mystery that we proceed to later attempt to assimilate and master. But this neutrality (and orthodoxy) is polemic. It is aggressive. It confronts us. It manifests the pure act of unconditional grace. Nothing is more painful than seeing a child multilated, destroyed and violently violated. But nothing is more beautiful than seeing a child saved, loved and kissed by the seal of faith.

When we fall, an image of the child haunts us.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

day 244

sit, they two,
and put to rest,
the moment
of loneliness,
and lie
as we dream
with dark curtains
blue painted walls
and warm quilt
(words in books)
even if they are too much
those moments
can be
too little.

less is more
less is
is more

are those
with too

Friday, January 16, 2009

day 333

with hands, wet with poisoned blood,
they wiped, the thirty coins,
and left the inside to the outside
as the delicate trees should one day benefit.

delicate, hands, we touch, unable to bear
the weight of commitment and responsibility
so we sink, in with the rushing tap,
and we disappear, and appear with renewed fear.

words, destined, foretold, the disciple departed a season,
returned, the touch, kiss, and giver and the giving, confused -
betrayed, such love! to give up and to be given,
the condemnation that pre-empted salvation
we cannot understand.

trans-finitude, we skip and shift, one to the another,
fish, a galleon centuries later, we meet near shores,
and we become less and more, you and I, who are you,
why did I care, why did I give; I give, hence I do not give.

to those we care not, or care with an indifference inherent in their performances,
you will not know Him unless you betray Him.

where less is more; not less, more than less, always more.
sufficient grace.
only the human can forsake God.
only the atheist can meet God.
Where the radical Neutral (the Other who is not other) stands in between
the poles of difference.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

day 55

imperfect moon, incomplete sentences,
serious tones, nonsensical conclusions, if any
live, live death, tensions fly,
where we stay, and stay we soon dwell
simple, gentle, moon has veil
to shade it from,
what, yesterday, the moon, rounder.

the core of the imagery is an absence that does not transpose into a different presence. I don't know what this core is. I don't know if Judas is a betrayer who is eternally condemned. I don't know if Paul really belongs as the 13th apostle. I don't know many things. Things don't know me. absence is not presence. stop this dialectical impasse. Stop this reversal. Something else. always something else that escapes, eludes me. I am a performative betrayer.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

day 75

I jumped against the wall, and it cracked.
I jumped against the cracked wall, and it broke.
I jumped against the broken wall, and it crumbled.
I jumped against the crumbled wall, and I went through!

Apart from the slight bruises I received, the plunge down the building was short.

Quick to fish out the little postcards in my pockets, I scattered them as I fell.
Patient to await the impact, my skull to crack, to break, to crumble and for blood to go through.
I wouldn't call it suicide. I had too many things to define.
But there I lied, as dead as a dead person should be.

Who were we? Yesterday's questions are irrelevant. The deferred answers now seem too belated. We should have treasured the short commune.
A moment lasts long.
A moment as long as life.
This is an occasion to print an obituary.
But we wouldn't want to immortalize it.

There is a pattern emerging here.
So let's be patient, let's remember less.
Should we fall, should we slip, we know where to look.
Stop rewinding, stop repeating, we can only move forward.
when we reach the end, we'll meet. soon enough. always too soon.
The hands are holding.
the holes are filling.
and we'll rest when we have to.
We rest while falling.
This will not be a fall from grace.
Falling, is a gift.






Tuesday, January 6, 2009

day 158

Hush to the volcanic burst of the hollow flourish of a noise from deep within: we'll never be able to express the limits of our limitations - RELEASE!

Cherish the never-ending xerox of the paper-life of the going and raining gold coins that fall from the uncorked skull and the mind has its musical notes that wriggle and spread out, like bees that know their destination but we cannot decipher and follow the beating of their wings - does not matter.

stare at paintings that you cannot replicate and we may in multiple gestures find more alignments with the strokes of the dead masters' brushes than our unattainable dreams of reproduction that do not meet the requirement that is the aura of the return. So have you made up your mind to follow the notes and release yourself from your ocular shackles?

we meet at places you cannot imagine. And the entrances are at places you cannot see. (maybe there are no entrances and exits. Just Openings) we'll rock with a progressive method that we can no longer trace the origin and decode the marks that form in our ears so let us then believe, blindly, that the music must end, surely it must end that we may embark once again on memory lanes and not allow dementia to ruin us - instead, it is our return to our child-likeness, with unicorns and carousels to once again imagine ourselves in merry-go-rounds that go round and round till fantasies are on repetition and meaning has no standard form except the pure blindness of the mind that lead us to only be on LSD and not mind walking 7 steps to and fro without a sole purpose.

So you should notice by now, that sense is the last thing we need (it is) and we will then venture further (and nearer) than we can ever imagine. We won't regret for we cannot regret. focus and the world will present itself to you. Do not paint it. It is already painted. Do not admire it. Live in it. Cover us with lights we never see before, and blind us.

And we release, soon after, the forgiveness that we long so much for - forgive yourself - and we will retrieve what we lost. transmute me, with the perfect alchemy of blood and substance.

Last, two sense of the word. Last is the first is the last.

day 89

would be punished if the wind did not blow tonight - and painted the sky blank -
impossible it was since the wind blew and the sky was painted red
and I could not see the half-crescent moon, veiled behind the angry clouds.
O, aggrieved by the torture that it would be forgotten and the colour would change again,
I see no reason to look forward to the blue morning sky.
pity that the wind did not blow through your low windows in the house,
while those curtains veiled nothing and protected nothing.
are you knocking on screens that will not break?
are you singing songs that no one understands?

we grow so silent, so silent, so patiently silent.
we grow so still, so still, so desperately still.
if the moonlight steals into your dark paradise, beware that it's only half-bright.
we are lighter, but not light enough to float.
if the sunlight steals into your dark paradise, beware that it'll be full-bright.
we are heavier, and the weight holds us to the ground.

silence or stillness are not the only necessary conditions for the appreciation of our future.
lasting psychic hypotheses, proven not by the necessary past events,
but by the mere raging fire that could not be put out (we refuse to put them out).
we remember too often, the things that hurt.
we remember too little, the things that heal.

be touched not by the perturbing orbits of celestial shooting stars that must certainly and eventually swerve into oblivion.
be touched by the gentle and firm hands that are forever invisible and does almost nothing to comfort us.

Your weight is a consequence of forces and their sum.

We create friction!
Be thrown, into the being that you will be.

deformed into a ball of fire.
We won't have time,
to be;
returning to who we are
broken down into pieces,
We won't have time,
to stop.

We are suspended.
and we'll be fine.
of the world that we are to about to leave from.

no country for us.
but somewhere beyond our imagination.

(We may not always have the right words to say - but since they have been uttered, they can only be right and are thrown into a momentary existence.)

(Be kind to yourself, you only die once.

Grow up, grow up.)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

day 250

Dear Paper,

as we run our fingers on the edges of your body, the fine cuts leave an impression on us, teaching how it feels to hurt so subtly that pain is not a suffering
but a fine line and wrinkle that can be healed (incompletely). did the blood taint your rough white skin? we twirl and print our now blood lines and form little

and we know that in time, the small cut will close and the blood will dry but you will no longer be the same white paper. But you lacked colour prior to our meeting.

White is such a tempting colour
and yet so frigid that you
repel us, unresponsive and those unimaginative us would cer
tainly ru
n away th an to wr ite a ter rible word or sh ape on you. And yet , we constan tly rape yo u.
No whi te i s pu r e w hi te. J
ust as no pap e r is flat, wit ho ut c r a c k s a n

d c r e v i c e s. You ab sorb u s. Y ou can n ot r esist if w e were to be cou r
ageo u s to w r it e .

s o we fol d
you u p and you kept very quiet and we shall send you to somewhere far away. That perhaps, it is not that the words really matter. But that simple gesture of remembering someone far, that makes

blood and paper
so precious to us all.


day 1

I wanted to know what yesterday was for you when stars were brighter and flowers were more fragrant and cupcakes were hot while I made Milo for the impending tomorrow's cold weather which I knew would make you shiver if you did not wear your jacket and had not my warmth to embrace you through the days that we both think are happier, much happier to live with without the usual pauses unless we bother to think and think we did, daily, and we believe we're still happier, at least that's what I want to believe and continue to believe that it endures and how you mean to me and how I mean to you when the days will eventually be shorter and the night skies painted with ivory and sparkling tears fall like they do in snow globes and we will be infinite and fleeting as if we didn't exist but together we hold our hands tight as we blow our dreams to faraway places to show that we still believe in them because we have faith. And the short pause the full stop brings is not an end but a sign of peace and fulfilment as if that is all we need. Faith. And with thanksgiving and daily communion with Him I will pray and pray that the clouds lift us to places we never dream of but confident that we don't really need high dreams but just the immediacy that You bring and how we look so crazy together that no one will stand us which remains to be shown but we can now think in multiples as we are not alone in this and we will be admired by those who bother to admire and hated by those who bother to hate but we will not care and faith is the new trend as much as it is ancient and I will continue to be talkative because I now can boast and have faith and we will be absolutely still and glorify You. Pause.
I will not know what tomorrow is for us except my perpetual obsession to write and talk profusely about us but let me pause and be still after another long paragraph and believe that we're happier and happier we shall be for as long as He wills and I shall not complain because a day with you and You is enough to reveal eternity to me even if it were a blink of an eye and we will be happy and that is really all that matters, even if the unknown brings us commas and uncertainties but a pause will always bring us back together through Faith.

day 0

i need you so much closer.

day 0

day 301

Here we are, as comfortable as you can be. As naked as you can also be. The pillars support us. The roofs shelter us. And one day, you can be assured, all that are here will be taken away from us. We will disappear like these buildings will. Nothing endures except what nothing cannot touch. We sit here not because we have nothing but we have everything in our faith to survive the ordeal that is our humanity and the dreadful despair that ensnares us daily, even as we tried our very best to flee our temptations. We sit here, not because we are truly comfortable, but we fear that our seats will be taken away from us, and we shall trip and fall, terribly and infinitely. We have everything that is for us to escape, to rest and to be very still, while the world fades away and disappears into nothingness. You do not want to be forgotten. You will not. He will not forget you. But let us pray once again, that the touch of infinity begins our daily communion of what is immediate and directly personal to you, as it is to those who care and look at us, face to face.

O Father in Heaven, while the seeds fall and though everything will be taken care of, you sent your only begotten Son to nurture those seeds, that they may grow and strengthen themselves for fruits to bear in time to come. Surely your Spirit dwells in these fruits, that the new seeds of new fruits will continue your work and glorify You as the circle of life and death continues. The flow of sweet succulent wine! May the Spirit continue to lead us into the houses of need, that we may conquer the unforgiving cold and lonely nights of our stay in this world. We need you, dear Lord. Come. Surely, You come!

We pray, not as mere seeds, unable to grow and sprout new life. We pray, because we are almost there, almost able to be stand tall, and bear the fruits of our combined labour. The rain, the sun and the air. And our hands. The repetition of grace is the most extraordinary thing ever. And yet, to Him, it is most simple and ordinary. That is the very reason why we can believe and be assured of our growth. Let us not choose to believe in extravagant and excessive means to reach you. For the fundamental reason that marks us as Yours is precisely our unworthiness as seeds; but hand-picked by you, thrown into the soil one fine season, we grow, not by our will, but Yours. For the wind and the rain can blow and pour all their might at us, but we are safe because You protect us. And that alone makes us worthy - by Your grace. So let us not fool ourselves, that any operatic and decorative ornaments can make the fields more blessed, more beautiful and worthy, and more ready for what is to come. For by itself, through the unconditional divine attention You give to us, as we keep to Your ways, we find then the balance of Your will and our wills, shared in the common aim of glorifying You; till thy Kingdom come.

We pray, not as mere plants, unable to do anything without your divine attention. For we know You are always there, caring for us in Your own way and in Your own time. For there can be a season when nothing happens but patience and a steadfast attitude will see us through. Let us live in this world not for worldly possessions or achievements but live for the mere presence of You. You alone shall be all we need. As long as there are seeds. As long as there is a field (even if that field is a desert). Your love reaches us and delivers us from the most oppressive situations. Let that be our steadfast faith. Our strength comes from you. Our bursting from the ground happens with Your will.

We pray, not as mere fruits, vulnerable and pitiful. We give abundantly unto others just as You have given to us abundantly. Let us not boast that by our strength alone, we could grow to a state that we can be independent of You. We have grown. But in heaven, we are Children. And may you bless us, Your foolish children, of wisdom. Some seeds may fall and be forgotten. Some seeds will be taken away for evil and economic wants. But some seeds will be like us, that drop to the field of Your grace, and grow up just as You see to it that they will.
So there is nothing that is not unknown to Him. Everything is awaiting us. And everything we need to grow up is sufficient. Nothing are the things of the world that fade away. Nothing will come out of nothing. He is everything. The Alpha and the Omega. Everything begins and ends through Him. Let us not add anything new that replaces Him. (That is impossible.) And yet, we foolishly altered ourselves to suit invisible gods and idols.

No one can get near to Him if we do not actually believe that we are mere seeds, just as you are now sitting, helpless and too comfortable. For we do not fall just by our own strength. We fall that He may pick us up or begin the work of life in us; that we may reach high up into the skies, as trees and as capable trees that bear fruits of His labour. So let us not do anything exceptional or believe unto things excessive. We have to keep still, and believe in our destined growth. A growth that is courageous. A growth that conquers storms, droughts and hails. Grace alone ensures our growth. Faith alone ensures our own seeds. Look to the Spirit as it dwells in us. Inwardly, shall the seed of life do its own great work. The water is within us. The breath of God is within us. Seek the things of the external world, you only ignore what is potentially within us to be the trees of life of this world.

But even trees will fall one day. So look not for symbols of this world to prove our existence. We live because He lives in us and for us. We live because He died for us. Everything awaits us. And He is everything we are waiting for. Come, everyone who sits here. We sit with a kind of blind idleness. The path is narrow but His grace is able. You cannot run from Him, even as you sit there on the ground, un-nurtured and uncared for. For already His will works in you and you will take root, and burst into the sky like the new born seed. Yes. That is the message for today. The seed of life lives in you; the infinity of everything awaits its manifestation through you. You insignificant and finite being, now made significant and infinite by Him. Let us reconcile this with a humble and meek gratitude that it is through His blood, the great work of His grown human body as the container of our Saviour’s blood, that we may today drink His wine and feel that warmth and comfort within our cold shells and believe that we too, may be like His wine, bring His good news to those seeds shattered and unable to grow. Let us then pray again, for these seeds, sitting in their own rooms, houses, great plazas and dark places. And we silently await, our return to the field of Your garden. We are not harvests of cities, but Your own harvest.

Forgive us, for saying too much. Forgive us, for the sins that hinder us. We are forgiven. We grow, in Your Name.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

day 223

we crossed paths where the swords met.
we met sirens where the waters crossed.

we stood afar on the cliff by the sea, reading about
dear creatures once roamed, today's fossils.

we reached skies where clouds rose.
we rose lanterns where fireflies reached.

we stood nearer on the fields by the river, reading about
dear creatures once roamed, today's fossils.

be there where you need me.
be there where you see me.
be there where I can take care of you.
be there when you finally cry.
be there when you finally smile.
be there,
even if you don't know me.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

day 111

W walked into the room with his eyes closed.

anyone there? he asked.

no one. a reply came.

Very funny.

Really. no one is here.

Then who are you?

just your imagination.
why don't you draw the curtains? You're up next.

I'm up?

May we present to you, the legendary 'World version 2009' in all the right colours!
