it was at that moment, when I saw the message behind on the back. It had been etched into her skin. I dare not touch her. It is a message of:
revival, death, renewal, mourning, life, death. The gift of death.
the modern wrestling of a human being and a divine being consists of two digits - 1 and 0.
sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. I can't choose the difference between life and death.
But from time to time, good luck and chance can still determine the outcome.
This outcome is a change of name.
Today, I call myself 'You'.
How often do you dream of wrestling an angel? How often do you dream of wrestling a demon?
It always begins with a touch - between two.
The ancient examples always revolve around two and one.
1. Adam and Eve; in between, the serpent.
2. Abel and Cain; in between, the earth opened to reveal the brother's blood
3. Jacob and Him; in between, the touch of flesh and the Judge. (Was there a camel then?)
Then the stake. the blood. In between two sinners.
Next, the Holy Ghost that haunts two living beings.
The contemporary examples also revolve around two and one.
1. 1 and 0, in between, the computer that processes the digits
2. Performance and Audience, in between, the gaze, the paint, the frame, the act, etc.
3. You and I, in between MSN, Facebook, Mobile Phones, etc.
Angels have departed. But the purveyors of truth still remain.
We can't touch as much as they could. But remember how it feels when your parents touch you. How you lover touches you. How your murderer touches you.
The touch is intimate. It is always suggestive of both love and violence. Now, what we have left is mediation. We cannot remember how love and violence were simply touch - with it, every sensation and event within the moment of touching. The face, the breathing, the proximity, the groan, the sensation of you and I, tied in that moment. It is just us and the one in between. As close as we can get. As far as we can get.
Do you lead me to death or life?
What is your password?
(empty space)
where is my angel to lead me to you?
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