they speak.
I: feels like yesterday
H. can't be.
I: the intention is there
H: to justify your imagination?
I: I feel limited by
H: your surroundings. don't be foolish
I: it's going to be tomorrow soon
H: No. It's today. Still.
I: It's going to be tomorrow soon.
H: Then it won't be tomorrow. It will be today.
I: Today?
H: do you remember the time we were together?
I: Aren't we together now?
H: It's different.
I: How different.
H: Just different. Don't ask.
I: You're weird.
H: so what can you conclude?
I: It still feels like yesterday.
H: if you can remember yesterday as a memory, it is gone. Today cannot be yesterday.
I: that's not what I mean. I said, 'it feels like yesterday'.
H: I don't see how different it is.
I: It's different.
H: How different?
I: effect, affect.
H: uh huh...
H: so?
I: affect...effect.
H: You're not making sense.
I: I don't have to. I just think that it feels like yesterday.
H: argh.
I: you feel like breaking my neck.
H: No I don't.
I: You do.
H: let's stop this conversation.
I: We can't.
H: Why can't we?
I: Someone will read it. day after day. Now it feels like tomorrow.
H: You...are...not...making...sense...
I: Think about it.
H: Why should I?
I: We don't always have a choice. I say this. (pause)
H: this?
I: and immediately you think of this.
H: of course...that's what you said.
I: It feels like tomorrow. this is it.
H: What is this?
I: It.
H: It?
I: I don't suppose you know what it refers to, no?
H: Yes. No. I don't.
I: Yes you do.
H: Argh!
I: Pathos.
H: Eros.
I: who cares really.
H: can we talk about more concrete things?
I: Like?
H: what were we talking about?
I: I can't remember.
H: oh. (long pause)
I: feels like yesterday.
H: Yea.
14 years ago
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